I have been working to deploy the Application Approval Workflow (AAW) ( http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=29687)for SCCM and SCSM using SCORCH. It worked following the instructions for the most part but out of the box it did not populate the requesting user and just put a generic title for the Service Request in. I wanted more. I wanted the affected user and the title to say what application was being requested. It was time to mod the runbook. I only had to mod 1 runbook, that is the "Poll ConfigMgr for Application Requests" under "Application Requests\Incoming". It took some work to figure out but I was able to do it. The biggest problem was AAW uses the "CM Request ID" and the Request Time/Date to identify the ticket that it is tied to. When reading the time it was in the format yyyMMddhhmmss.xxx. This has to be converted to a time format used in the ticket and converted from UTC to local server time.
I have provided a Sample modified runbook for this here.
- These steps require the System Center Service Manager Connector
- Convert time and retrieve user: is a VB.Net script that converts the time to the proper format and retrieves the username
- Get Ticket: uses the CM Request ID and the converted time to get the ticket
- Get Requested User Info: gets the username
- Add Relationship for User to Ticket: Links the AD user and the Affected User in the ticket
- Update Object: saves the info in the ticket and updates the ticket title.
- you will need to modify the "Synchronize Application Request" step in the "Application Request Synchronization" runbook in the "Automation" folder
- You will need you update the SCSM server name in the properties of each of the steps