CM Update Reset Tool (CMUpdateReset.exe)

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By justin, 12 August, 2022

CM Update Reset Tool (CMUpdateReset.exe)

For a CM Update Reset Tool Gui, see my post CM Update Reset Tool Gui | Justin's Ramblings ( (

Starting with version 1706, Microsoft started to include the CM Update Reset Tool (CMUpdateReset.exe) as part of the tools available in the CD.Latest folder (found in the “\cd.latest\SMSSETUP\TOOLS”). This allows you to remove an in-console update that has not yet been installed and is in a failed state. This state can include updates that are stuck in the downloading state for an exceptionally long time, stuck checking prerequisites, or any number of events where it is not in an installable state before the install process starts.

Additional Information 2 - Update reset tool

For more information on the CM Update Reset Tool (CMUpdateReset.exe), see Microsoft Docs at:


  1. In an elevated PowerShell of command prompt, change directory to the CD.Latest folder. This is usually:
     “<InstallDrive>:\ Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\cd.latest\SMSSETUP\TOOLS\CMUpdateReset"

    CM Update Reset Tool (CMUpdateReset.exe) File Location
  2. to get a list of command line Switches you would use the “-?” switch with the CM Update Reset Tool (CMUpdateReset.exe) command line tool. : .\CMUpdateReset.exe -?
    CM Update Reset Tool (CMUpdateReset.exe) -?
  3. For the CM Update Reset Tool (CMUpdateReset.exe) to work, you will need some information to reset the update:
    1. (-S) SQL Server Name
    2. (-I) SQL Server Instance name (if using a named instance instead of the default instance)
    3. (-D) Database name
    4. (-P) Package GUI


  1. You probably know the SQL Server, Instance and Database names, but the Package ID can be found in the console. In the console, go to AdministrationàUpdates and Servicing.
  2. In the  column header row of the update list right click and select “Package Guid”.This will cause that column to be shown with the updates.

    CM Update Reset Tool (CMUpdateReset.exe) Package GUID
  3. The last column now ill have the “Package Guid”. Select the update you want to reset and type CTRL+C to copy all the update information including the Package Guid to your clip board.

    CM Update Reset Tool (CMUpdateReset.exe) Package Guid in condole
  4. Now open note pad and type CTRL+V to past the content of your clipboard into notepad.

    CM Update Reset Tool (CMUpdateReset.exe) extracting Package GUID in notepad
    Select only the “Package Guid” and copy it (CTRL+C)

  5. Pack in the elevated PowerShell window you will enter the CM Update Reset Tool (CMUpdateReset.exe) command line:
    1. If you are using a named instance and  need to enter a instance name, your command line will look like:
      .\CMUpdateReset.exe -S FQDN.SQl.Server.Name -I InstanaceName -D DatabaseName -P <PackageID> -FDELETE
    2. If you are using the default SQL instance, your command line will look like:
      .\CMUpdateReset.exe -S FQDN.SQl.Server.Name -D DatabaseName -P <PackageID> -FDELETE


CM Update Reset Tool (CMUpdateReset.exe) Command line

  1. You will be given a Warning  telling you what it is about to do. Type ‘Y’ and the enter key.

CM Update Reset Tool (CMUpdateReset.exe) Prompting

  1. CM Update Reset Tool (CMUpdateReset.exe) will spit out a bunch of information and should finish

CM Update Reset Tool (CMUpdateReset.exe) Output

  1. In the Services.msc restart the SMS_EXECUTIVE (smsexec ) service. The update should no longer we in the console. You can now either reimport the update (if running in offline mode) ortell the console to check for updates which it should go out and check with Microsoft for updates to download. And you can start the update process again.

CM Update Reset Tool (CMUpdateReset.exe) Console results
